Tag orders with upsell products

Every line item that contains a product upsold from a Checkout Block will contain a hidden line item property with a key of _checkoutblocks. You can leverage Shopify Flow to then look for orders containing these keys and tag orders as having had upsells.

Example of a line item added via upsell block

Tag order upsell

Sample Shopify Flow workflow

Here is an example workflow that will tag orders checkoutblocks-conversion when they contain upsells. You can upload the workflow to Flow and customize the tag as you see fit.

Download example workflow: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0728/3241/8071/files/tag-converted-orders.flow

Workflow preview


How to upload a workflow

Navigate to the Shopify Flow app within your store admin, then click Import in the top right.

Update workflow