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Customize your Thank you and Order status pages. Only Shopify Plus merchants can customize checkout.
- Customize the Order status and Thank you page with content blocks
- Shopify Plus: Custom Checkout with content blocks, custom fields, & more
- Shopify Plus: Create custom Order & Shipping discounts
- Shopify Plus: Validate address format requirements
- Shopify Plus: Hide, rename, & reorder delivery and payment methods
- Highlights
- Popular with businesses in United States
- Use directly in Shopify admin
- Works with the latest themes
Works with
Reviews (72)
The app was bought by shopify and then functionality was completely removed... plus the liquid logic does NOT work. We're talking about simple if statements, you can't even write a single rule even copying and pasting their examples in their "documentation".
This was a huge bait and switch, just look elsewhere.
Product is good, however features keep being removed.
It's free for plus merchants now, but if you want to add free gifts to checkout, you have to pay $200/mo.
In that latest update, they even removed adding items to checkout (which we used to add a free item with a discount code).
Also no compatability with Global-E Shopify Markets, had issues with discount code blocks not triggering and was told to talk to Global-E by shopify support.
The blocks do not remain in the placement where you set them. They seem to jump around to different locations, depending on log-in status, for example.
With the basic plan, you're only able to add blocks to the thank you and order status pages, which feels pretty limited.
This app has a lot of potential to improve the checkout experience, but it seems like it's only available to businesses that are already successful.
So sad, I will stick to the legacy.
Thank you for your review. At this time, editing within checkout requires Shopify Plus. However, you can continue to use the Checkout Blocks app on the Thank you and Order Status pages across all Shopify plans.
To learn more about what’s available for your Shopify plan, you can read this guide: https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/checkout-settings/customize-checkout-configurations
I need to have the Plus plan and pay over 2 300 $ per month to be able to edit the check out page. The place for up sales. Most people skip the cart, where we can ad stuff. Why is it only free to edit thank you page and order status page? As a very small company it's so important with every cent saved and added in up sales. Please make it possible to edit check out even as a small shop owner. I already pay for so many apps for features that should be basic in Shopify.
Thank you for your review. At this time, editing within checkout requires Shopify Plus. However, you can continue to use the Checkout Blocks app on the Thank you and Order Status pages across all Shopify plans.
To learn more about what’s available for your Shopify plan, you can read this guide: https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/checkout-settings/customize-checkout-configurations
App support provided by Shopify.
Get supportData access
This app needs access to the following data to work on your store. Learn why in the developer's privacy policy .
View personal data:
Customers, store owner
Name, email address, phone number, physical address, geolocation, IP address, browser and operating system
Store owner
Name, email address, phone number, physical address
View and edit store data:
Customers, products, orders, discounts, companies and company locations, Shopify Functions, Online Store, Shopify admin
Edit customers
Customer data
Edit products
Products or collections
Edit orders
All order details for the last 60 days
View and Sync Discounts
Discount codes and promotions
Edit companies and company locations
Edit Shopify Functions
Access for delivery customizations or Access for payment customizations
Edit your Online Store
Metaobject definitions, metaobjects, or theme
View Shopify admin
Edit other data
Locales, Shopify Markets settings, checkout branding settings, or translations
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