Line item content

Checkout Blocks supports adding line item specific messaging for a variety of use-cases such as Final sale, delivery estimates, & more.

Line item content blocks load within Line Item Blocks. Make sure you have properly setup at least one Line Item Block or your Line Item Content block will be unable to load within checkout.

Setup video guide

Liquid support

Support is included for basic Liquid logic to display checkout and line item data as well as parse line item properties and product metafields (coming soon).

View our Liquid help guide for how to leverage Liquid in checkout.

Change the order of multiple blocks

If you are showing more than one line item block on a single line item, you can leverage the normal priority sort to reorder them:

Display formats

You can display the line item block in one of four formats:

  • Plain text
  • Badge
  • Tooltip
  • Modal popup


Line item example